miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2018

How Does Green Coffee Help You To Lose Weight?

There are several reasons why this coffee it's important for people that want to lose weight.

Today, it’s hard to find in stores a product that helps you lose weight without bringing you consequences to your body. The market offers many products rich in chemicals that interfere with the natural processes of the human’s body system. Usually, when you want to lose weight, doctors suggest an exercise routine with a healthy diet. But what happens when these are not enough?

At Wellness Koffee we promote a healthy lifestyle to increase life’s quality. But also, we offer you beverages that complement a diet that will keep you fit and healthy. Our coffee, for example, contains all the benefits of green coffee, which is made up with unroasted coffee beans and contains a high percentage of vitamins and acid. Green coffee is a perfect beverage for those who want to be in shape. Wanna know why? Just keep reading today’s blog:

1.Drink more, eat less

Green coffee contains chlorogenic acid. This acid accelerates the metabolism in your body; that way, you process your meals slower, and you feel less hungry. Still anxious? One cup of this beverage will calm your nerves if you hear the heartbreaking weeping of a donut in the store.

2.One cup at day keeps the doctors away

Green coffee’s acids also help you with your blood pressure; it's particularly useful for people who suffer from obesity and other cardiac disorders. If you drink a daily cup of green coffee, you’ll surely avoid bad news from your doctor.

3.Extra energized to exercise

Why still using energy drinks when you can choose a natural option? Like regular coffee made of roasted beans, green coffee brings you a little bit of energy as well. Whenever you’re feeling tired or unmotivated, drink a cup of this natural magic and keep your physical activities. You’ll feel the difference in a few minutes!    

4.No more digestive problems

Are you having problems with your tummy? Green and roasted coffee are an excellent laxative thanks to its natural acids. According to doctors, a healthy intestinal system goes to the bathroom one or two times a day. Also, green coffee stimulates your kidney, helping you release all toxins upon urination.

Be healthy and clean with just one beverage! Wellness Koffee offers you the taste and smell of a delicious standard coffee, but with all benefits of the greener version of this drink. What are you waiting to try it? Tell us what other aspects of your life has changed thanks to the marvelous benefits of drinking Wellness Koffee's unique drink!
By its chemical elements and flavor, this beverage lowers your appetite. 

Facebook: WellnessKoffee
Instagram: WellnessKoffee
Twitter: WellnessKoffee


martes, 27 de febrero de 2018

What is Chlorogenic Acid?

This element affects your blood pressure, apetite and weight loss.

The medicine and the science world have always revolved around the improvement of health and life quality for people. They do this by harnessing the benefits of the elements that belong to the natural world, which allows people to consume beneficial components that can help them improve their health. And one of the most popular and beneficial ingredients can be found in one of the most consumed products in the world: coffee.

The green bean of coffee contains chlorogenic acid, an element that can transform your health. But what is that? And how can you get its benefits?

Chlorogenic acid is a chemical compound that can be found in green coffee. It’s also present in small amounts in prunes and other natural elements, and it's among the family of carbohydrate blockers. One bean of green coffee can have up to 7% of chlorogenic acid in it, and although the flavor is quite bitter, its benefits are incredible. It can be consumed in the shape of perfect steaming cups or as nutritional supplements.

This acid is a chemical compound with highly beneficial properties, so it has become an important nutritional supplement as it aids several health conditions. But what does it make it perfect to help you increase your health? With scientific investigations backing up the knowledge that people have inferred for years, it’s no wonder it became so relevant: it can increase the speed of your metabolism, protect your liver, lower your blood pressure, among several other positive things.

Chlorogenic acid is a metabolical accelerant, and more than that because it also blocks the absorption of carbohydrates. This last process occurs in levels that can help you lose weight! But there's more. As the inhibition factor for other chemical compounds in the body is also part of its marvelous qualities; it also inhibits the formation of glucose-6-phosphatase, which increases your glucose release and lowers the risks of contracting diabetes.

Chlorogenic acid helps the liver in its functions and acts as a protection against liver cancer and hepatic cirrhosis. Even though it’s a metabolical accelerant and has caffeine (albeit in small amounts), it also lowers blood pressure and helps control stress. All of this is possible because green beans offer the qualities of coffee with the extra kick that a high dose of caffeine provides.

With all that said, what are you waiting for to incorporate chlorogenic acid into your life? But don’t go and try to acquire just any green coffee: work with professionals that create the best products. Contact Wellness Koffee, the providers of the best green coffee on the market! With experience and care, they can help you incorporate this fantastic element into your life and harvest the benefits of a dose of green coffee packed with chlorogenic acid. Check their social media profiles to know more!
This chemical compound is the element that makes green coffee unique and important for your health.

Facebook: WellnessKoffee
Instagram: WellnessKoffee
Twitter: WellnessKoffee


lunes, 26 de febrero de 2018

Wellness Koffee: Transform Your Life

You'll feel brand new with green coffee.

Did you know that the consumption of coffee in the US is as high as 3.1 cups per day? This is because of the quality and flavor of the beverage. It’s hot, it has a roasted flavor, and according to recent studies, if consumed in the correct amount, it can help your body to be healthier. The health benefits of coffee are not unknown: it’s neuro stimulant, it reduces the risks of cardiovascular diseases and multiple sclerosis. But, sadly, the best benefit is mostly lost during the roasting process.

Yes, as you read it: the chlorogenic acid, a virtue of the unroasted coffee, is significantly reduced during the time the coffee spends in the roaster. It’s important that you recognize that this is one of the reasons why green coffee is a great option. Ideally, the roasting process is done with high temperatures over short periods of time. But to harvest the benefits of the chlorogenic acid, the technique needs to be different. The green beans need to be treated in a way that guarantees excellent results, without harming the element that makes it so unique.

Once the coffee is treated and prepared, you can drink it or incorporate it into other recipes to make the most of it. But here’s the caveat: most companies don’t create something great to consume. The flavor of green coffee can be quite horrible, just imagine the taste of leaves and twigs in a solution. That’s pretty much what you can get in most presentations. But what if I told you that you could have great flavor, all the benefits and most importantly, the right price? That’s what Wellness Koffee has to offer you today.

With a team of experts in charge of creating the best green coffee, they are the best option. Now you may be wondering: how do they do it? Well, they make sure to get the best green coffee first, as certain kinds of coffee have higher levels of chlorogenic acid. Then they prepare the product: with their unique methods, they harvest the benefits without creating a bitter or strange flavor.

For Wellness Koffee, transforming your life is the goal. They know better than anyone the benefits of consuming and incorporating green coffee to your routine. So, contact them and check the social media to know exactly how this product can change your life. Stay posted for more information about green coffee!
Learn how you can transform your life with their green coffee products.

Facebook: WellnessKoffee
Instagram: WellnessKoffee
Twitter: WellnessKoffee

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle While You're Studying

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