viernes, 16 de marzo de 2018

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle While You're Studying

Every student knows the struggle to balance good grades and a healthy lifestyle.

Being a student is more complicated than it looks. While you're in college, there are a lot of things you have to put some effort into without getting carried away by stress and anxiety. Between classes, homework, home studying, a job, social life, getting some rest, you probably forget the most important thing for your formation: your health!

Without health, you won't be able to do all your assignments, so that's why Wellness Koffee will help you with this task. We will bring you these great tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle while you're contending your young adult's life.

1.Never skip any meal

As a student, your duties require all of your attention and energy.  Besides, your body needs all the nutrients, vitamins and proteins contained in a healthy diet to be in its optimal conditions.  If you skip any meal, your body's system will be more tired, and it will work with its minimum capacity. Try to eat at the same hours every day to keep your metabolism active, that's how you won't need to pick a snack in the middle of the class.

2.Have a regular sleeping hour

Sleeping is a natural way to recover your energy. While you're dreaming your brain repairs internal tissues, regulates your metabolism, and reboots your hormonal system. If you don't get some rest, sooner or later, your body will decay.

3.Do some physical activity

While you're a student, you have to distribute yourself to complete all your duties. But if you want to stay healthy and fit, you need to maintain your body in constant moving. It's not enough running class to class, try to practice some sport or do some not-aggressive exercise routine. Yoga is an excellent alternative when you want to be in shape and be relaxed!

4.Breath! Release the stress!

We all know what it's like to be on final exams and having to work, trying to eat, sleeping, having a social life and maintaining a relationship status... at the same time! It can be quite stressful, right? But you need to keep calm and keep breathing! According to science, oxygen is necessary to your body because it controls your blood cells, protects your neurons and helps you release the stress. Don't panic, and try to space your head once in awhile.

5.Learn how to be organized

Chaos can be everywhere if you're not coordinated. Even if you complete all your task satisfactorily, when you don't know how to distribute your time and energy, your body will be exhausted. It's important to differentiate in your daily agenda what's important and what's urgent. Focus on projects that are more important to you at the moment, not on things that won't help you in the short time.

With these tips, you will be able to reach a degree in health. What other advice do you recommend us to stay healthy and achieve a perfect grade? Here in Wellness Koffee, we support excellence, that's why we offer you the best coffee drink ever! Try our products and experience a new way to drink your coffee.
Remember that your efficiency is related to your wellness.

Facebook: WellnessKoffee
Instagram: WellnessKoffee
Twitter: WellnessKoffee


jueves, 15 de marzo de 2018

What Happens If I Skip Breakfast?

Science said breakfast is the more important meal of day. But do you know why?

You surely have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There's a lot of scientific studies that prove this theory by testing subjects that skipped their breakfast in a time lapse and compare them to others that ate right after getting up from the bed. The results are varied, but the only thing that’s for sure is that breakfast marks the difference in your daily routine.

Wellness Koffee promotes a healthy lifestyle, and we always try to give you the best advice to improve your body's well-being. On today's blog, we will explain to you why is so important to eat your breakfast and the impact of it for you to be fitness.

You’ll feel more tired

When you're sleeping, your body recovers a big part of its tissues and the neurons in your brain get some rest from the daily work. Although sleeping gives you a significant percentage of energy, breakfast is the second energy resource for the human's system. Skipping this meal will deprive you of this extra support.

You’ll gain more weight quickly

Doctors said that the best strategies to lose weight are never skipping a meal. Your diet must contain equally all the substance that requires your body to a proper function. A very healthy breakfast includes a mount of carbs like yogurt, milk, cheese, butter or virgin oil; vitamins and glucose in fruits (by pieces or in a fruit juice), and proteins in jam and chicken eggs.

You’ll be less active in your daily work

Some people like to drink just a cup of coffee as breakfast and then go to work. Even when coffee is an energy booster, this is a bad habit and has consequences for your body; for example, you'll feel tired quickly because you need meal full of fiber and carbs to be active. If you combine it with an exercise routine, you will feel even better!

You’ll have problems in your tummy

As the first meal of the day, your body uses breakfast as the alarm clock of your digestive system. That means that if you skip it, you probably will have problems when you need to go to the bathroom. A great breakfast contains fiber that helps your intestines do their work. Try to eat more bread, flour, potato, some crackers, broccoli, carrot, and spinach. Your body will thank you immediately!

Here in Wellness Koffee, we propose you to eat a healthy breakfast accompanied with a delicious cup of coffee. Our coffee full with chlorogenic acid is great at mornings because it contains detox properties to start your day clean and active! What are you waiting for to try it? Your wellness is just as far as your lips are from your coffee mug.
There's a conection between your breakfast and your health.

Facebook: WellnessKoffee
Instagram: WellnessKoffee
Twitter: WellnessKoffee

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2018

Best Ways to Drink Your Coffee

Coffee lovers know that a daily cup is good for their body and soul.

Every coffee lover knows that their favorite drink is sacred. Some people like to drink it every morning right before going to work; others enjoy coffee in their mid-time when they want to relax. By night, most of the students need coffee to ensure hard study sessions. Coffee is perfect for almost every situation, and it’s a popular social drink that you can share with the ones you love.

Coffee has natural properties that make you feel more energized, vigorous and happy. Here in Wellness Koffee, we appreciate this beverage as much as our customers, that’s why on today’s blog we will offer you the best ways to drink your favorite drink, besides the traditional espresso. Become a barista with these simple tips!


This coffee is perfect for when you want to feel relaxed because it contains less caffeine than others beverages. The Latte has its origins in France, and you just need to fill a half cup with fresh milk and the other half with coffee. Some people add a little bit of sugar and cinnamon to enhance that oh-là-là feeling in their drink.


This is the most popular coffee in Italy, and there is more than one way to enjoy it. It requires a quarter cup of coffee, a little bit of milk and caramel as a sweetener. Some baristas use vanilla syrup and ice if they want to make the sweetest iced coffee drink.

Hawaiian coffee

Tropical coffee lovers like to drink it with the most luxurious ingredients. The Hawaiian coffee mixes your favorite drink with a quarter of coconut milk. This beverage is a bittersweet option for those who say “Aloha!” to new experiences.  

Bombom coffee

Bombom coffee is prepared in Spain with a quarter of coffee and another quarter of condensed milk. It is served in a glass cup to show the two layers of the ingredients, separated by their natural texture.


Just imagine a perfect mix for your desserts: coffee and chocolate! There are many ways to enjoy Mocca: you can use a half cup of hot chocolate, a chocolate bar floating in the coffee cup or chocolate chips. Mocca is a drink for cold weathers like the one in Switzerland, one of the most famous chocolate harvesters in the world.


Its name is almost unpronounceable, but its taste it’s far beyond frontiers. This coffee recipe is from Brazil, and it requires a big amount of Brazilian great coffee and sugar. The flavor is mixed with other spices like cinnamon, honey, and even cardamom.


This is the perfect option for you when it’s hot outside, and you don’t want to lose your daily dose of coffee. Frappe means coffee is served with vanilla ice cream or in ice cubes. Looks like a fruit smoothie but it tastes like your favorite drink with a lower temperature.

Irish coffee

Irish coffee mix caffeine with whipped cream and whiskey. This beverage follows the European tradition, and it’s great when you want to have some liqueur-fun without sacrificing your coffee affair. Irish coffee has its variation in other parts of Europe: it can be served with liquors like amaretto, rum or vodka.

Here in Wellness Koffee, we are working to lead on the coffee experience pleasing the most demanding coffee drinkers. Now that you know there is more than one way to enjoy your favorite drink, will you try them? Tell us what other ways you have discovered to drink coffee!
If you're a coffee lover, try these delicious drinks:

Facebook: WellnessKoffee
Instagram: WellnessKoffee
Twitter: WellnessKoffee


martes, 13 de marzo de 2018

Healthy Things You Can Do Every Morning

Adapting your daily morning routine with a healthy lifestyle will make you feel well!

Sometimes, we see our bed like it is our only friend in the world. Why we have to get up every morning if we could be relaxing in our bedroom contemplating life from there? Sadly, most of us are workers, students or we have others obligations that make our lazy dreams just a beautiful fantasy.

Mornings can look like a disgraceful experience because our daily routine can be awful or less stimulating than staying in bed all morning. In fact, a lot of people think that morning is the worst part of the day! And it is absurd! Every morning is a chance and a new opportunity in our day, the beginning of many possibilities in life. That’s why on today’s blog, Wellness Koffee will teach you the best tips to have a healthy morning routine that will change your daily vibes.

A beautiful day begins the night before

Are you one of those people who get stressed every morning because you can’t find the other sock? If you are, you don’t necessarily have to get up early to fix those issues. By planning your next day’s wardrobe the night before, you’ll have more time in the morning. Also, you can cook your lunch and put it in the freezer, or you can set up your bag if you don’t want to forget stuff you’ll need the next day. We assure you that being organized will give you more time to stay in bed.

Be strong and put aside bed sheet

Maybe this part is the hardest of the morning routine, but you have to get up from bed with energy and positive attitude to be productive during the day. Don’t think about your duties or about that one co-worker you don’t like at the office. Just breathe and focus on the good things that are waiting for you on this new day. For example, that yummy taco for lunch or that meme you want to share with your friends. There are great things you can do to achieve the life you want in the future; you just have to get up from bed!

Do some physical activities to release laziness

A great tip to leave your sleepy thoughts in your pillow is doing some exercise before you start your day. This is excellent for your body at mornings. Remember that your organism is waking up with you and it needs to adapt its internal clock according to your daily routine. Doing exercise as a habit will bring you energy, and it’s great to be in shape!

Drink a glass of water

There's a popular medical fact that says that a glass of water every morning accelerates your metabolism and activates your digestive system. If you drink it right after you get up, your body will be ready for the other activities in your morning habits. Remember that a healthy lifestyle implies drinking at least eight glasses of water per day.

Drink a cup of coffee

A cup of coffee in the morning will give you an extra dose of energy, and it’s good when you feel a little bit anxious or stressed. And what if we told you that there is a coffee that is a natural detox? Chlorogenic acid in the coffee can release toxins from your body, and it’s delicious as roasted coffee. Could you imagine a better way to start your day?

Take a shower

According to science, taking a shower every morning can help your body’s nervous system to wake up, making you feel more alert and energized. Also, showers have the power to relax you from stress and, of course, it’s the most efficient way to start your day fresh and clean.

Dress up as you like

Some people say that your dress’ code is an approach to who you are and how you feel about yourself. Be creative and wear whatever makes feel comfortable and self-centered. That way you will feel more pleased during the day. Next time, when you choose your daily wardrobe, also think about how practical it would be using some clothes according to your activities and, of course, the weather.

Have breakfast!

Never skip breakfast, not even when you’re not hungry. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because our body takes from it the nutrients and energy for the rest of the journal. Try to eat food with a big amount of fiber like bread, crackers or yogurt, with healthy glucose like fruit juice and some carbs like cheese, butter, and chicken eggs. Coffee is also very welcomed in the morning’s diet.

When you feel great, everyone can see it. If your body is healthy and your morning routine is invigorating, you’ll make your whole day better! Here in Wellness Koffee, we promote a healthy lifestyle according to the best habits and our user’s experience. What other things do you recommend for a better morning? Tell us what you do to enjoy your mornings and share your coffee mug stories with us!
Even if you're not a morning person, you can transform your daily routine.

Facebook: WellnessKoffee
Instagram: WellnessKoffee
Twitter: WellnessKoffee


lunes, 12 de marzo de 2018

Benefits of Chlorogenic Acid in your Diet

If you eat well, you'll feel well.

Chlorogenic acid is a trendy and natural way to increase your health. You can find it in many plants and natural products, but coffee beans are the most famous. When these beans are roasted, the acid loses almost all of its effectiveness; but when coffee beans are unroasted, the final product has a high health value. Sadly, it tastes like hell.

However, Wellness Koffee has created a unique way to roast coffee beans without actually losing the efficacy of chlorogenic acid. This new formula allows you to include the chlorogenic acid in your diet and also enjoy your coffee like always! On today’s blog, we will teach you how this important acid positively affects your body’s system.

Chlorogenic acid is good for you all

Recent medical studies have detected that a higher percentage of people who consumed a daily dose of chlorogenic acid had least chances to develop gallstones. Chlorogenic acid can detox your body in a non-invasive way, that’s why doctors recommend it to those who need to burn fat faster. And if you add an exercise routine, you’ll increase the benefits!

This acid can clean your tummy

Chlorogenic acid can also push your digestive system, helping you in your visits to the bathroom. If you drink at least one cup of coffee full of chlorogenic acid at the same hour every day, its laxative effects will boost the call of nature in a safe time.

Say no more “sugar-free” in your restaurant!

It has been demonstrated that drinks with chlorogenic acid can lower the sugar levels in your blood. That was a significant discovery for those with sugar problems like diabetes, and even for overweight people! Just remember that chlorogenic acid is not a substitute of glucose regulators, so don’t get crazy with your desserts.  

Want to lose weight? Chlorogenic acid can help you!

This acid has natural properties that boost your metabolism, making you feel less hungry. In fact, a full chlorogenic acid drink it's a great compliment between meals! That way you can prepare a smoothie or a coffee mug and gain some extra time when you get home to make a better dish.

Your humor will be safe

Sometimes, consuming large quantities of standard coffee can make you too excited or too anxious due to the caffeine. Coffee with chlorogenic acid will not modify your hormones because it doesn’t have a violent impact on the human endocrine system. The low percentage of caffeine in this new coffee will make you feel more energized. Take advantage of this benefit and improve yourself on your daily routine!

With Wellness Koffee, now you know how chlorogenic acid works, and you can start consuming it without sacrificing the tastiness and diversity of your meals. What are you waiting for trying this natural miracle? Chlorogenic acid is a great companion for your body’s system and will boost your general wellness in the safest way to a healthy lifestyle!
Do you know what your body needs in a diet full of chlonogenic acid?

Facebook: WellnessKoffee
Instagram: WellnessKoffee
Twitter: WellnessKoffee


jueves, 8 de marzo de 2018

The Real Reason Why Sleeping Helps You Stay Fit

A healthy sleeping pattern is fundamental to have a healthy lifestyle.

Sleeping is the best option to recover all energy you lost during your daily routine. Having a good rest every night will help your body’s internal clock regulation, and will reduce more than one problem in your system. But when you’re getting less sleep than recommended, your health could be compromised. After all, a healthy lifestyle takes more than physical activities and having a good diet: All your habits should cover your body’s needs for a better life quality.

Today at Wellness Koffee, we will teach you all benefits of a regular sleeping time.

1.Insufficient sleep increases your probabilities of getting sick

A healthy sleeping pattern allows the immune system to produce white blood cells, the ones in your body that fight against viruses, bacteria and other sources of diseases. If you don’t have a regular sleep cycle, your system won’t produce those cells, and you could easily get sick. So, try to sleep more; your body will thank you!

2.Sleeping regulates your mental health and emotional wellness

Have you heard that napping can solve many problems in life? Probably it won’t help with financial disbalance or relationship status, but it can boost your health. Having some rest in the middle of the day will clear your head and will allow you to think more brightly.

3. Having regular sleep hours at night will help you with weight problems

When you have a well-sleeping routine, you will feel less hungry because your system doesn’t need more carbs to restore the energy you need. Also, those who have regular sleep hours have a lower risk of obesity, metabolism disorders, and hormonal disbalance.

4.Enough sleeping makes you feel less stressed

Even if you don’t have an exhaustive exercise routine, all the activities you do during the day require an amount of energy. Keep in mind that while sleeping, your body recovers all energy it needs and, of course, reboots your hormonal system, which is the responsible for making you feel stressed or sore.

5.Sleep supports a healthy growth

According to scientific studies, children and teens have a healthy growth when they have a regular sleeping habit. When we are on the sleeping cycle, our brain gives orders to repair cells and tissues; it also produces the hormones that increase the muscle mass. That means that if you’re trying to gain some muscle, you should pay equal attention to your sleep cycle and your routine at the gym.

Here at Wellness Koffee, we have an excellent daytime performance because of our coffee. Full of chlorogenic acid, it brings us the energy and all nutrients that we need to teach you the greatest tips for a healthy lifestyle. Try it! Sleep well and let us know how it was for you.
Resting helps your body restore its energy levels.

Facebook: WellnessKoffee
Instagram: WellnessKoffee
Twitter: WellnessKoffee


Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle While You're Studying

Every student knows the struggle to balance good grades and a healthy lifestyle. Being a student is more complicated than it look...