martes, 6 de marzo de 2018

10 Tips to Have a Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy lifestyles are achieved through dedication and self-knowledge.

Whenever you choose to change your lifestyle, you must remember that health is always the priority. Being healthy is not only about doing exercises and eating well; it also includes stopping bad habits, like smoking or sleep deprivation. A lifestyle focused on your wellness improves your personal and professional growth because it contributes to your physical, emotional and mental health.

Today on Wellness Koffee, we will give you ten tips to achieve a healthy lifestyle based on medical recommendations and expert guidance of wellness gurus. Don’t worry if you’re a busy person, or even a workaholic, following these simple but helpful indications will shape your new routine in no time!

1. Breathe!

We all know how to breathe, but on average we only use ⅓ of our lung capacity. Learning how to breathe correctly will improve your physical and mental state. To do this is important to fill your brain with oxygen, which necessary for any neurological process.

2. Sleep well, feel well

When you’re sleeping, your brain regulates your body’s internal cycles and recovers the energy it needs for the waking up time. Not having enough sleep leads you to emotional disbalance, health problems, and even weight disorders! Instead of passing the time in bed doing nothing until fall you asleep, try to avoid distractions and set patterns: go to sleep and wake up at the same hour every day. That would improve your internal clock and increase your health.

3. Eat all you want in right proportions

Maybe you think you have healthy meal habits because you only eat veggies and fruits, but that’s not essentially the truth. A human body needs other things, like proteins and minerals. Carbs bring you energy, and fats are necessary to gain muscle. So don’t feel guilty if you want that chocolate bar, just balance it out with healthy meals.

4. Drink more water

Did you know that 60% of human body is made up of water? Drinking enough water every day will help to oxygenate your body, fulfill your stomach and clean your intestinal system, along with helping your cells stay healthy. On average, you should drink at least 6 or 8 glasses of water; however how much water you drink will always depend on your physical activity.   

5. Exercise your body

One way to stay motivated and full of energy is doing some exercise. You can practice a sport you like, go to the gym or do cardio in your home. Another way to stay healthy if you’re short of time is doing yoga. This discipline needs only a daily hour and will make you feel relaxed before attending any responsibility.

6. Keep learning things every day!

Your brain always needs stimulation besides your daily work routine. Why don’t you spend an hour reading a book or studying a new language instead of watching tv or checking social media? Science said that playing an instrument or even trying a new recipe helps to maintain the brain young.

7. Know when and how to de-stress yourself

Another way to exercise your brain is, in fact, doing nothing. Some doctors recommend taking breaks every 2 or 3 hours at the office, just to clear your head and avoid anxiety. In that mid-time, you could practice some relaxing exercises or play a game on your phone.

8. Put down all negative habits

Why make our body sick with bad habits when you can choose to live happier and healthier with some simple changes? Avoid things that you know are harmful to your body like smoking, alcohol or other narcotics. Having low self-esteem and lack of motivation can bring consequences to our bodies as well. So stop what you know it’s hurting you and start making changes to get a healthier lifestyle!

9. Keep away toxic relationships

These include friends who don't support you, unloving partners or people that don't contribute positively to your life!  If you’re dealing with backstabbers, let them go too. There’s a lot of new people that you can meet every day and they can bring a lot of positivity into your social life!

10. Do what you love

A healthy lifestyle begins when you decide to live positively. When you know what you love, and you’re passionate about it, you’ll automatically feel good with your life. Remember that the most important thing in life is being healthy because it brings happiness to your life as well.

Wellness Koffee knows you can transform your life if you dare to change your habits. To help you out, they bring you a unique roasted coffee with all the benefits of the green one. Make sure to check their social media profiles to know more about this unique and healthy product! Remember, you can choose a new life and take the challenge of fulfilling your dreams when you are healthy and full of energy!
Use these tips to achieve a healthier lifestyle in no time.

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Twitter: WellnessKoffee


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