miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2018

What Should You Drink to Stay Healthy

When you are hydrated, your body works better and you can focus on your tasks.

Imagine yourself in the store being thirsty, and you find there are too many options! Besides the differences in price and taste, not all beverages are good for you. In fact, more than a half of the drinks available in stores have too many processed components that are harmful to your hormones and organs. So, to stay healthy, you need to know how to pick the right beverages to be on top of the game!

In this post, Wellness Koffee will help you find the best drink to have the healthiest lifestyle. Here are some basic recommendations:


Water is life! This natural liquid is almost magical. According to scientific studies, 60 percent of the human body is made up of water. And this is why medical experts recommend us to drink at least eight glasses of water every day. That way, you will clean your body of toxins, accelerate your metabolism, fulfill your blood with oxygen and many other benefits!


Coffee is the favorite choice of many people in the world. It brings you extra energy, reduces anxiety, and it tastes like heaven. Since we discovered how to roast coffee without killing the acids of the coffee bean, Wellness Koffee is considered one of the most healthy options when it comes to picking coffee.

3. Fruit juice, sugar-free!

Many medical sources said that fruits are a great food to complement your meals. But, according to studies, fruit in juice presentation has a positive impact on your body as well. A glass of sugar-free juice contains nutrients and fiber which combined with water or ice, fills your stomach better than just eat fruit. Just imagine all possibilities: you can mix more than one fruit in your blender and create powerful flavors!

4. Natural tea

In cultures like Chinese, tea is a beverage that suits perfectly at any time of the day, or when you have a particular health problem. For example, green tea is great for losing weight, while cinnamon tea is highly recommended for women with period cramps. On the other hand, if you have sleeping disorders, you should drink chamomile tea. Just like fruit juice, you can mix a lot of herbs to make the perfect tea for your body's needs.

5. Alcohol

Doctors say that a daily cup of wine is good for your heart. An artisanal beer has other benefits like being a beverage sugar-free with a high percentage of natural fiber. You can drink alcohol in moderation; otherwise, it may be very harmful to your liver, and it could lead to an unhealthy addiction.

Here at Wellness Koffee, we promote a healthy lifestyle. After this post, will you consider all the beverage options in the store again?  What other drink do you think you should add to your diet to be in shape and healthy? Share it with us in the comments or through our social media profiles!
Coffee, smoothies, and other beverages are wonderful for your body!

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